Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Boxing Day Sales....

I don't even know where boxing day comes from or what it means... but whoever turned it into a day where everything is much cheaper, was really smart! What other day would absolutely everyone in North Bay head to the malls simultaneously, as soon as they opened?! Ok... maybe not everyone... but a good chunk of the population! I mean, I had plans to go. As a student, how could I not go shopping on the one day that you can get things for so cheap?!

However, my plans changed. I just happened to be reading the chapter on money in "Blue Like Jazz", which totally ruined my intentions of hitting the sales! I might regret this later, when I buy things full price. But, how could I really justify buying things I don't need? I always wish that I had more money so I wouldn't have to thinkk twice about having enough for school. But when reading the book last night, I realized that if I had more money, I'd then still want more money. I pictured myself with a grea deal of cash and wondered what I'd do with it... if I thought about it honestly. To be completely honest, I'd probably start with myself... pay off my student loan, buy a new wardrobe... I don't know exactly... but I'm starting to think that maybe God has given me a gift by leaving me with only just enough. I have be spared some difficult decisions as a Christian. I haven't become materialistic because there hasn't been the opportunity! I have grown up without being spoiled and really appreciating smaller things in life. God has also given me the opportunity to develop faith! Instead of worrying about money coming in, I can choose to totally put it in God's hands and have the certainty that He will always come through for me! There has never been a time when I didn't have something I needed.

So yeah... I'm glad I read that chapter when I did.... even though I was a little annoyed with Donald Miller for awhile....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Donald Miller, always with the convictions and stuff. I'm glad that you resisted the urge to buy things you didn't need, (I say after spending the day looking at high end guitars... and not buying anything). Now the key is to do something with the gifts that God's given us! (see your blog: makes you think :) Enjoy family time without new stuff!