Sunday, September 24, 2006

What it means to truly LOVE...

So previously I posted about the "love of my life" here at Briercrest(which was obviously a joke if anyone didn't catch that... haha). However, this is unrelated to that and is something I've given some very serious thought to, lately. My thoughts are not completely gathered on this so it might be choppy, but I'll give it a try.

I've always struggled with the idea of being taken advantage of. Ok, that sounds wierd... but let me continue. But first here's an example(this is NOT a real story!): Lets just say that one day I bought this new car. It wasn't an amazing one, but it was new to me and really necessary for me to have. Then one day I hear about a need. Someone desperately needs to go somewhere and has no way of getting there. I know that I don't have time to take the person, yet I do have the car. So, thinking this is something God would want me to do, I lend the person the car. It comes back ok and I feel like I have helped someone. However, fast forward to a couple of weeks later. This person comes to me again. The need to go somewhere isn't quite as desperate. In fact, the person probably could find another way. However, I had let the person go once so it was easier for him/her to ask again. It's a fight within me, yet I can't find any reason to say no...... except that I feel taken advantage of.

This brings me back to my former point. Again this is a completely made up story and I don't have a car(sadly). Maybe it wasn't a great example, because cars are expensive and usually if ppl need to go somewhere we drive them. People sometimes "take advantage" of situations. I probably do so myself, although I really hope I'm careful not to. But the point is... how come it is so difficult for me to lend my stuff or let people take advantage of me in other ways? I think what it comes down to is pride. I hate to say this, but I'm so proud that it drives me crazy to think that people can take advantage of me. I never want to look like a fool. I never want people to think they can "put one over on me". However, what does Jesus call us to do??

Proverbs 25: 21,22 says "If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink, for you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you."

Now, you think the burning coals is something that hurts the person. However, I learned somewhere that people used to carry coals in baskets on their heads so it was easier to make fires when they would stop. However, sometimes their fires would go out and they would have to go ask for some coals from someone else. Therefore you'd be heaping coals on their heads(in their baskets). You might not want to do that. But our reward is not here. Whatever the situation is, we are to help people. This may involve being taken advantage of. Someone may be using you for something material you have. Someone may be using you for some emotional reason to fill a void in their own life. There are tons of different scenarios where people might be taking advantage of you, whether they realize it or not. And we are to feed them, clothe them, befriend them as well as we are able. Therefore my pride has no place. I am to be a fool for God, for that is what it means to truly LOVE others.


Anonymous said...

Good blog.

I don't know if "fool for God" is exactly how I'd phrase it, but I understand your meaning and agree with it.

In my estimation, Love is a choice. One that we make in order to do what is right and good, not some vague feeling we have about what pleases us or fulfills us in the short term.

My blog:

Nathan said...

Regarding coals on the head, John MacArthur suggests some Egyptian ceremony of shame where burning coals are heaped on someone's head to shame them or something.

Regarding being taken advantage of I think about it like this. As much as possible, within the bounds of wisdom we should give. If a man asks you to walk a mile with him go with him two etc. There becomes a point where self sacrfice is ungodly because it is not wise or accomplishing anything I think. But that is a matter of conscience to each person.

Janet Perry said...

Sabrina!!! Ahh!! No!! It wasn't like that at all!! It has to do with stuff I've been thinking lately! Rreally it's more like YOU got the new car and picked me up all the time! Ahh!! I miss you! You can borrow my laptop! AW... now you have your own.... Ah!

Janet Perry said...


I have no idea who you are, but thanks for your comment. It's neat that you found my blog. I'll check out yours sometime as well.

Janet Perry said...


That's another neat perspective and you could be right. And yes, I realize there is a point at which a line is crossed... haven't completely figured out where that is in my head yet... I just know that I really need to be more of a servant and try to love people the way God commands me.

Thanks for your comment!