Saturday, October 24, 2009


So, I was doing the usual the other day... thinking, that is :P... I guess I was being kinda introspective and thinking about my life and I had some random thought about how I figured I was moving towards the place where God wanted me. But as soon as I thought it, I realized how wrong I was. I keep feeling like I have this goal to attain. When I'm done school, I'll be there. When I have a family and a job, I'll be there. But I immediately checked myself and thought, I am where God wants me to be right NOW! Yes, I am growing. Yes, I am moving. But I can't wait to BE something or someone tomorrow. This is it! This is life! And I'm happy to be here, in this time, in this place...

1 comment:

Spike Sprague said...

Yes, I know that feeling. Whenever I reach my "goal" there is always another one waiting. Feeling that the present is irrelevant, when in fact it is what really matters... But I'm just so darn impatient!
Good thoughts Janet, good thoughts.